How FitRx Solves Your Home Gym Challenges
Let’s be honest, not everyone likes to go to the gym. Or, to be more specific, not everyone likes being reliant on only using the gym to achieve their fitness goals. That’s why a home gym is a great addition to a fitness routine, and where FitRx offers smart equipment solutions to build one out […]
Step Up Your Holiday Gift Shopping and Fitness Game with FitRx!
This Rise of the Home Gym
There’s no doubt that the COVID pandemic and lockdowns changed how we think about fitness and home training. As all of us experienced gyms across the nation closing, we had to find ways to get our workouts in. Most people didn’t want to let their health and fitness progress slip away, so they turned to […]
Troubleshooting Tips for Your FitRx Mini Pro Massage Gun
Where should I not use the massager? You should never use the massager on sensitive skin, swollen or inflamed areas, skin bruises, or varicose veins. Additionally, don’t attempt to use it on your head, genitals, the front of your neck, sleeping individuals, or pets. Consult with your doctor before attempting to massage areas with poor […]
Buying Guide: Mini Massage Guns
What is percussive massage therapy? Percussive (or percussion) massage therapy utilizes a combination of rapid, repetitive pressure and vibration therapy to soothe sore muscles. The massage head moves quickly and forcefully with vibrations against the outer layer of your skin, which increases blood flow and applies soothing pressure directly to soft tissue. With the right […]
Going Beast Mode with the FitRx SmartBell
There’s no doubt that the pandemic fundamentally changed how people work out. As everything shut down at the start of 2020 and we all had to stay at home, our exercise plans had to be switched up on the fly. Most of us no longer had access to gyms or any type of real equipment, […]
FitRx SmartBell Total Body Gym – Biceps & Triceps
Sitting Dumbbell Curls and Preacher Curls For sitting dumbbell curls in a seated position, rest your dumbbell arm against your inner thigh. Slowly curl the dumbbell up to your shoulder, pause at the top, then slowly lower back down. Make sure not to lock out your elbow. For standing preacher curls, rest your upper arm […]
Troubleshooting Tips for Your RecoverMax
What if the air compression or heat therapy doesn’t turn on? Troubleshooting questions about either the air compression or heat therapy are among the most common ones we receive, but luckily there are easy fixes to solve most operation issues. For starters, firmly connect the LCD controller to the adjustable Velcro straps’ air pressure hoses […]